Senses of Paris cover: Robin Bower, author

Senses of Paris — book launch

I’m very excited to announce that we have been invited to launch our literary art book, Senses of Paris, at Bonjour Perth on Saturday 22 October 2016.

Senses of Paris is a collaboration of words and illustrations by two old friends inspired by Paris. Using the five senses as sections in the book, myself as author, and artist, Christine Vandenbergh, have created a visual commentary from our impressions of a city that is both a romantic cliché and a chaotic modern metropolis.

Prose and poems, amidst a kaleidoscope of original artwork, showcase the artistic venues and senses of Paris. While highlighting the diversity of the people and its culinary delights, the book exhibits the city as an enduring drawcard for art lovers. Senses of Paris makes a great gift for anyone who loves Paris.

Come down and see us at Ozone Reserve, 1 Adelaide Terrace, at 56 pm in the ‘Literacy Corner’ tent. It’s an informal get together where we will talk about how the project came about, our inspiration, process and anything else you want to know! It’s a gold coin donation to enter the festival.

Copies are available on the day for $45 each which includes a few little extras. An online link for ordering the book will be available after the event (it is only available as a hard copy as this illustrated format does not translate well into an ebook). It’s a whole day of fun related to everything French so stay for a little or for a long time! The festival ends at about 10 pm.

For more information, go to Bonjour Perth or here

Once you have your copy, please brag it up on your networks #gotmyparisbook. It would also be great if you can leave a review at the usual online places. I’ll send an update with all the links soon.

It would be great to catch up and see you on the day!

A bientôt

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